
Compilers / Online Editors ------------------------------------

1. Java

Java 8 -----------------------------------------------------------

1. Stream API In Java?

2. Java 8 Streams Map & FlatMap Examples

3. Difference between map() and flatMap() in Java 8 Stream - Example

4. Java 8 Features?

Core Programs -----------------------------------------------------------

1. Palindrome Program in Java?

2. Recursion in Java?

3. Reverse a String Using Recursion in Java?

4. Java 8 Features?

Difference between ----------------------------------------------

1. yield(), sleep() and join() Methods

2. Comparable and Comparator

6. LinkedHashMap vs HashMap

7. LinkedHashMap vs HashMap

Core Java---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. How to create an immutable class with mutable object references in Java?

2. Internal Working of HashMap in Java.

4. Synchronization in Java

5. How to Sort an Array in Java

Design Pattern------------------------------------------------------------

1. factory design pattern

2. Singleton design pattern

Spring Boot------------------------------------------------------------

1. Spring Boot – Starters?

2. The Complete List of Spring Boot Annotations

3. What is Spring Boot @Qualifier?

4. What is Spring Boot @Primary?

5. What is Spring Boot @Scope?

6. What is Spring Boot @Import and @ImportResource?

7. Spring Boot Starter Actuator?

8. What is ACID properties in Java ? @Transactions in Spring boot?

9. Difference between Microservice and API?

9. Spring Boot AOP?

REST API------------------------------------------------------------

1. REST API methods?

2. Status Codes

3. What is Spring Boot @Qualifier?


1. Microservices Design pattern?

2. Difference between Microservice and API?


1. Difference between Delete and Truncate Command?

2. Difference Between DROP and Truncate in SQL?

Cloud Links----------------------------------------------------------

1. Where Are Docker Container Logs Stored?

2. How To Install MySQL on Ubuntu 18.04?

3. How To Install Node.js on Ubuntu 20.04?

4. How To Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 18.04?

5. How To Install Git on Ubuntu 18.04 [Quickstart]?

6. How do I convert a PEM Key to a PPK Key?

Angular Links----------------------------------------------------------

1. How to import JSON File into a TypeScript file?

2. regex for password?

3. Form Validation Example?

4. Password Validations?

5. Build and run Angular application in a Docker container?

6. Angular 12 + Spring Boot File Upload Example(2022)?

7. How to Export Data to Excel File in Angular Application?

8. Spring Boot Multiple File Upload Example (2022))?

Agile Links----------------------------------------------------------

1. Agile Multiple Choice Questions with Answers?

2. Agile E1?

3. ITIL Foundation?

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